Pregnant women often gain more recognition when sharing photos of their baby bumps on social media, but some individuals take this to an extreme and have an intense sexual attraction to pregnant women known as preggophilia. Also referred to as maiesiophilia or maieusophoria, preggophilia is a type of paraphilia (an interest that does not relate directly or inherently to sexual attraction such as lactation or impregnation). Preggophilia should not be confused with paedophilia although those who possessing it might also find enjoyment from children in general as well.
Most people with a sexual interest in pregnancy tend to be men; however, there are also some women who enjoy it. Although most find pregnancy sexually appealing, their passion may also stem from having children themselves or watching someone go into labor; others might simply find the process of giving birth fascinating or the smell of sweat, which often becomes quite potent during gestation.
Pregnant women can feel social pressure to avoid people attracted to them, often because society views pregnancy as something a woman should focus on and that being sexualized or attracted is inappropriate for her during her gestation. Unfortunately, this has resulted in predators stalking pregnant women’s images for use on porn websites; pregnant support groups in Australia, New Zealand and Canada have cautioned their members not to post pictures online that show off their bellies too much.
Attracting pregnancy may not be wrong; instead, open conversations must take place to combat any stigmatisation or prejudice associated with such interests and desires.
Preggophilia symptoms typically include the desire to touch pregnant women and frequently thinking about them, or acting out being pregnant role plays with partners or having sexual encounters with someone who appears pregnant. Some individuals with this fetish also like role playing as being pregnant with them or engaging in sex acts pretending they’re expecting.
Preggophilia can be caused by various stimuli, including the smell of sweat from pregnant women or the sound of them gagging; its prevalence can also be triggered by seeing images or stories about abortion, seeing pictures online of pregnant women or seeing films/stories about them having one.
As people with this fetish often have trouble controlling their impulses, they may become obsessed with pregnant women or stalk them, sometimes to the point of stalking or even rape, it is essential that pregnant women exercise caution when sharing photos online – making sure their social media accounts are private so only friends and family members have access to view them; additionally they should try not being photographed publicly and should avoid going out alone with strangers.